Click here to read messages from Rabbi August and President Carol Burns

We are led by Rabbi Toba August and Cantorial singer Cindy Paley, with musical accompaniment by Joy Krauthammer (percussionist), Robin Winston (vocalist), Sharon Alexander (vocalist), Ruth Belonsky (violin) and Karen Golden (saxophone).
We hold 10 Shabbat services per year on the first Saturday of each month. You will experience singing, dancing, meditation, learning, and the joy of being part of a community of women. With so many opportunities to build community and make new friends we are assured a truly enriching Shabbat.
We have a nearly complete service (no Mussaf). Opening with songs of praise, we continue with Birchot HaShachar, the morning personal prayers; Pesukei D’Zimrah, songs of reverence; Shacharit, our central creed (the Shema and Amidah); the Torah service (including the Aleinu and the Mourner’s Kaddish); and finally our closing circle and kiddush.
Lev Eisha incorporates a lot of singing and dancing! We are lifting our voices, making a joyful noise, and truly celebrating Shabbat. During the Torah service we call whole groups to come up to the Torah. We do the required three readings, but don’t specifically follow the triennial cycle. If you’d like to be a Torah reader please contact us.
We use our own siddur, created specifically for Lev Eisha, which contains the songs and prayers, the Hebrew, English translation, and transliteration. While Lev Eisha originated at a Conservative synagogue, Lev Eisha members and participants come from all affiliations: Reform, Renewal, Reconstructionist, Conservative and Orthodox. Our members represent the full spectrum of thought and practice.
See, hear, travel, and read with our community through music, videos, photos, book recommendations, and more by clicking here. Enjoy our video, Dancing with My Soul, filmed at one of our weekend getaway events. Stunning video shot and edited by Tracie Karasik of TLKmultimedia.